Stainless hlau Sab saum toj Chain Conveyor System
CSTRANS stainless hlau thiab yas ca sab saum toj chains yog muaj raws li ncaj nraim khiav los yog sab flexing versions, nyob rau hauv ntau yam ntaub ntawv, dav thiab phaj thicknesses. Featuring low friction values, high resistance to wear, good sound damping, high-quality workmanship and deg finishes, lawv tau siv dav hauv kev lag luam dej haus thiab tshaj.
Chain phaj puab: tiaj phaj, xuas nrig ntaus, baffle.
Cov khoom siv: carbon hlau, galvanized, 201 stainless hlau, 304 stainless hlau
Chain phaj pitch: 25.4MM, 31.75MM, 38.1MM, 50.8MM, 76.2MM
Chain phaj hlua txoj kab uas hla: 4MM, 5MM, 6MM, 7MM, 8MM, 10MM
Chain phaj thickness: 1MM, 1.5MM, 2.0MM, 2.5MM, 3MM

Slat Conveyor Chains siv slats los yog aprons mounted rau ntawm ob lub strands ntawm tsav chains raws li nqa qhov chaw, zoo tagnrho rau cov kev siv xws li kub kub, cov khoom hnyav los yog lwm yam kev mob hnyav.
Slats feem ntau yog ua los ntawm cov yas engineered, galvanized carbon steel los yog stainless hlau. Slat conveyors yog ib hom kev siv thev naus laus zis uas siv cov saw hlau-tsav ntawm slats txav cov khoom los ntawm ib qho ntawm nws qhov kawg mus rau lwm qhov.
Cov saw hlau yog tsav los ntawm lub cev muaj zog, uas ua rau nws mus rau lub voj voog ib yam li txoj siv conveyors ua.
-Txoj kev ua haujlwm ruaj khov zoo tshwm sim
-Ua raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ua ntawm Kev Thauj Khoom Ib Leeg
-Widely siv rau tsis siv neeg kis
-Can xaiv qhov dav sib txawv, duab
Qhov zoo
CSTRANS Stainless hlau tiaj tus sab saum toj chains ua los ntawm cov khoom siv tawv tawv, uas muaj lub zog tensile zoo, corrosion thiab abrasion tsis kam.
Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb:
Nce hnav tsis kam
Corrosion-pov thawj
Kev hnav zoo dua thiab corrosion zog thaum piv rau carbon steel sib npaug
Muaj nyob rau hauv ntau qhov ntau thiab tsawg.
xuas nrig ntaus saw phaj muaj peev xwm ua tau zoo, ua haujlwm zoo rau qhov kub thiab txias, thiab kev pab lub neej ntev.
Los ntawm ntim cov nqaij thiab cov khoom noj siv mis rau qhob cij thiab hmoov nplej, peb cov kev daws teeb meem kom tsis muaj teeb meem kev ua haujlwm thiab lub neej ua haujlwm ntev.Npaj txhij rau nruab rau hauv ib cheeb tsam daim ntawv thov los ntawm thawj ntim mus rau qhov kawg ntawm kab. Cov pob khoom tsim nyog yog cov hnab ntim, cov hnab ntim khoom, lub raj mis, gable tops, cartons, case, hnab, tawv thiab cov tais.

Daim ntawv thov
Stainless hlau Punching saw daim hlau conveyor siv yog dav siv hauv cov khoom iav, cov zaub dehydrated, hniav nyiaj hniav kub thiab lwm yam lag luam, thiab tau txais kev txhawb siab thiab txhawb nqa los ntawm cov neeg siv khoom.
Kev siv dav hauv kev xa khoom tsis siv neeg, kev xa tawm, thiab tom qab ntim khoom noj, cov kaus poom, tshuaj, dej haus, tshuaj pleev ib ce thiab tshuaj ntxuav tes, ntawv cov khoom, khoom noj khoom haus, khoom noj siv mis thiab luam yeeb.
Peb muab ntau yam zoo tshaj plaws Ib pob khawm SS Slat Chain uas yog tsim los siv qib zoo stainless hlau. Cov chains no yog tsim rau tuav cov iav fwj, cov thawv tsiaj, kegs, crates thiab lwm yam. Tsis tas li ntawd, peb cov khoom muaj nyob rau hauv ntau yam specifications thiab raws li ib tug customized yuav tsum tau ntawm cov neeg muas zaub.
Qhov Zoo Ntawm Peb Lub Tuam Txhab
Peb pab neeg muaj kev paub dhau los hauv kev tsim, tsim khoom, muag khoom, sib dhos thiab kev teeb tsa ntawm modular conveyor systems. Peb lub hom phiaj yog txhawm rau nrhiav kev daws teeb meem zoo tshaj plaws rau koj daim ntawv thov conveyor, thiab siv qhov kev daws teeb meem no kom tau txais txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj plaws. Siv cov txheej txheem tshwj xeeb ntawm kev lag luam, peb tuaj yeem muab cov khoom siv conveyors zoo dua tab sis tsis tshua kim dua li lwm lub tuam txhab, tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam rau kev nthuav dav. Peb cov tshuab conveyor tau xa tuaj raws sijhawm, hauv kev siv nyiaj txiag thiab nrog cov kev daws teeb meem zoo tshaj plaws uas tshaj qhov koj xav tau.
- 17 xyoo ntawm kev tsim khoom thiab R&D kev paub hauv kev lag luam conveyor.
- 10 Cov Kws Tshaj Lij R & D pab pawg.
- 100+ Teeb ntawm Chains Pwm.
- 12000+ kev daws teeb meem.